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Unlike other mammals, sea mammals rely on the ocean for their existence. The level of dependence on the sea varies between species. Dolphis and whales spend their whole lives in the ocean, whereas seals feed in water but breed on land.
Harbor seals are year round residents along the Paciific Coast. Sea otters also live there year round, but have a much smaller population then the seals. The acrabatic humpback whales, migratie between Alaska and Mexico, twice a year. Elephant seals travel from the Gulf of Alaska to Central California to mate.
Marine mammals are seen much more frequently from a boat, then from the shore. Knowledge of each species- especially their habitats and migration patterns, will greatly increase the odds of being able to view them. For example, knowing which months to look for whales, during their migration, is essential. The spotting of sea otters is quite unusual along much of the Pacific Coast, but not uncommon in a few specific locations. In Northern California, Point Lobos State Park and Elkhorn Slough, are great places to observe sea otters. In Alaska, Kenai Fjords National Park and Glacier Bay are at the top of my list for dolphins, whales, sea otters and seals. Ano Nuevo State Park, in central California, is the best place for observing elephant seals- especially during mating season between January and March..

Sea Mammals play an important role in maintaining marine ecosystems. Despite this fact 23% of marine mammal species are currently listed as threatened.