My name is Barry Levine. My home town for the past thirty five years has been San Francisco. For most of those years, I have been a nature photographer and outdoor enthusiast. It seems the more time I spend in nature, the more inspired as an artist I become and the more my commitment to wilderness preservation has grown.
I see my path in life as a wilderness traveler, searching for a spiritual home. Photography has been the means by which I can share my love of the freedom and wild beauty that is wilderness.

Lately, i have gotten into photographing murals  and abandoned factories.
i see them as part of an urban wilderness landscape. And like all other wilderness areas, America's urban wilderness is being threatened by those who would profit from its destruction.
There is not much else to say about me. I am not a very complex person. So if you see a tall, slim man out there with a large blue pack, DSLR and tripod, say hello.

I am available - via email - to answer specific questions about any of the photos on this site or to provide info on any of the wonderful wilderness destinations I have had the privilege of visiting.