Welcome to the Wilderness Traveler Photography Homepage. My name is Barry Levine. The photos on this website represent my vision of the endangered world of wilderness. My mission is to share information, and to alert people to specific envirormental dangers facing some of North America's most spectacular National Parks. and wilderness area. Some images have been digitally edited to enhance the viewer's experience. All wildlife photos are exactly as the word "wildlife" implies. They are images of wild creatures in their natural environment.


A journey into any of North America’s magnificent wilderness areas offers visitors the possibility of adventure, self-discovery and, most important of all, a freedom that few other experiences can offer. At a time when solitude and privacy are becoming increasingly difficult to find, the call of wildlands beckons us. There are not many rules governing your visit to the backcountry that do not involve protection of the envionment - so others can also enjoy it. And no one is there looking over your shoulder or collecting data so they can sell you their products. You are totally on your own. If you want to climb a mountain or cross a raging river, that is your decision to make. For nature photographers, like myself, wilderness offers great opportunities to capture the wild beauty of America’s backcountry and the wonderful creatures that inhabit it.

Before you grab your gear and catch the first bus to Denali National Park, there are a few things you need to do first. The keywords here are: preparation, preparation, and more preparation. Understand your limits and gather as much information about your destination as possible. Please remember that it is not only essential that you survive your wilderness experience, it is also vital that wilderness survives its encounters with humans.

No matter what brings you to visit my site, it is my hope that these images will pique your interest to learn more about wilderness preservation. After all, with a subject matter as spectacular and unique as America’s wildlands, to not do justice to its beauty would be a crime.


It’s hard to imagine a world without wilderness. This would mean losing most of North America’s most beautiful natural areas. There are some people - myself amongst them - who also believe that wilderness is essential for the well being of the human spirit.
Even for those who will never set foot in a wilderness area, isn't it wonderful to know that such places still exist in our highly industrialized nation? And without wilderness, what will happen to the animals that depend on it for their survival? In North America, that list includes: polar, grizzly, and black bears, wolves, coyote, fox, wolverine, badger, caribou, moose, elk, bison, musk ox, bobcat, lynx, puma, most migrating birds, and many, many others.

Guestbook for Wilderness Traveler Photography
John Peter(non-registered)
Just had another nice revisit to the site.. More beautiful work here.
Treat for the eyes and heart.
Beth Shulman(non-registered)
Gorgeous photographs, so happy to have discovered your site!
Margaret Boehm(non-registered)
I love your latest slideshow, as well as the mushroom pictures. I've got a whole new appreciation of those little fungi now.
Margaret Boehm(non-registered)
These photos are beautiful. It makes me feel happy just to look at them, and to know that these places exist, even if I'm working away here in the city. Great work!
Julie Wolfe(non-registered)
Incredibly awesome photographs! Amazing what you have captured! Thanks for sharing!